
I think I broke blogger.

I was just sitting here, minding my own business, waiting for Laura to get her butt in gear... and absent-mindedly clicking the "next blog" button up top. Half of me was looking for writing/drawing inspiration and half of me was (is...) waiting so that Laura and I can head out to purchase sustenance for the next week.

At any rate, I'm scrolling through and I found a couple of interesting blogs, one on a journalist that was alright enough, but the one I loved was on a photographer who seemed to have the most tragic job of working with police. Photographing accidents and search parties and whatnot. And it was great and inspiring and left me wanting more, so naturally after skimming through it I clicked next.

Japanese text. Next... more of it. Next... Russian. Then Persian text. None of it was in text that I have any clue how to read. This went on for about 15 blogs before I decided I had gone crazy and closed the browser window.

Blogger hates me. Only explanation. Whatever I did to it, I don't suppose I will ever discover.

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