But I decided to break out of my hole today and go on an all-day walk with Laura, getting errands done around this part of the city, all on foot. I've got a tan line from my purse... I went in a strapless sundress and have one of those satchel-style purses that go over the shoulder, and where it crossed my chest is lighter than the rest of my back/shoulders/upper chest. It's excellent.
Also, I have officially run out of coffee. The world is going to end.
Alright! So! We all know that the Olympic games are on, and if you've been following my Twitter (which I know you haven't because I can see my followers... and three of them...) you will have seen that I am freaking out over the Olympics. I love them. They are so much fun.
So showjumping starts in three hours. It's 12:30 my time, so I will be staying up all night to catch the rides live and cheer on my most favoritest (yes) athlete ever, Eric Lamaze.
I fell in celebrity-love with this guy from the first moment I saw him in action in the 2007 Spruce Meadows stakes where him and his legendary (now, unfortunately, passed on) stallion Hickstead. Remember a few days ago when I posted about drums and I was going all fangirl over Jordan Mancino? That's how I also feel about Lamaze. Except like even more fangirl.
I just get over-excited even thinking about it.
This man is a FREAK OF NATURE. I don't understand how someone can be SO GOOD at showjumping! I just don't get it. It's not even like, the fact that his record is incredible, his FORM is just flawless! He practically floats on the horse's back, has super quiet hands, and SOLID leg position that I've rarely seen wander. Even if you Google Image search him, every picture is just mind-blowing form. I could stare at it for hours (CREEPY) and just admire the finesse that goes into every jump.
Even the jumper that Canada is in a huge hype about, Ian Miller, isn't as good as Eric, form wise, in my honest opinion.
Anyways. Point is, Lamaze will be jumping with a newer horse he's been showing with since Hickstead's death, and I'm overly stoked to see it happen. So stoked that I will stay up all night just to catch it. I'm practically vibrating in my seat right now I'm so excited.
Sorry this post isn't more artsy/author-y, but it is relevant to my life and this is my blog and I will do whatever the hell I want with it.
ahem. Sorry.
I will leave you with these beautiful images of Eric in action.
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