
Sleepy day means sleepy artist.

It's cloudy and slightly damp outside, and cold in this house. And I forced myself to get up a bit earlier than usual because I have a lot of work to get done this weekend and wanted to put a fully day in today. So I dragged myself out of bed after half an hour of hitting the snooze button on my cell phone and wrapped myself in layers of clothing (it's getting cold) and dragged myself downstairs where Ian and Laura and a friend of everyone's were all hanging out. The friend happens to be the guitarist in Laura's band and they were waiting to go on tour.

They all kinda looked at me and were suppressing laughter as I flopped down on the floor and curled up pathetically, wishing everyone a good morning. The rest of Laura's band showed up shortly thereafter and left to go pre-tour shopping. They showed up 5 minutes ago with a HUGE Tim Horton's coffee and a muffin for me. Guess who my favorite people in the world are right now.

I have to put a layout on a canvas, photograph it, send it to my picky picky customer, then paint at least half of it. I have a character design to ink up today and a graphite outline to do. Tomorrow I have to finish the painting or get very very very close, draw up another character outline, and start shading the graphite piece. I'm not getting much sleep this weekend. Sunday I have to finish three character sketches plus the new one, finish the shading on the graphite, and then write a good chunk of novel for my Monday deadline for EVERYTHING.

I have a deadline for writing, a deadline for three character sketches/two ink designs, and a graphite portrait. My deadline for the painting is Friday and it needs at least 5 days to dry, so it has to be done tomorrow or in the very latest, Sunday morning.

Then next week will be one of frantic writing and gallery growing.

I am going to need a lot more coffee...

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