

Most of us say we don't like to judge people, don't like to talk about them behind their backs, don't like to criticize without proper cause... but let's face it. In some way, we do. It's human nature, we are pretty imperfect organisms.

What I find fascinating is how incredibly easy it is to find those who will pass the most judgement on you at once. Surprisingly (or perhaps not at all), it's usually the ones who are loudest about their lack of judgement upon others. The ones who will say things like "oh, but I don't like to judge others," or "I can't STAND people talking about others!" or "well, who am I to judge?" But all the time. Pretty much any time the subject turns to another specific human being, usually a mutual acquaintance of the two parties of the conversation, they will quickly throw in their piece about how judging others is wrong and potentially toss up a "well, I do hate to talk behind people's backs..."

But then watch carefully as they dance delicately between the social politics and tell you their judgements and talk about them.

It's usually masked in a polite tone, but it's there. And it's always those types.

I find, personally, the people who are most likely to give you honest conversation and keep you out of their extra-curricular discussions are the ones who trust themselves to come forth through their actions, and the way they behave, rather than relying on what they SAY their actions are or will be. It's just an interesting observation I've made.

I don't profess to be perfect, either. I do, despite myself, pass judgement on nearly everyone I meet, almost immediately in fact. It comes with my fearful attitude towards human beings. There's the initial point where I decide whether or not they frighten me, then I decide whether or not I find them predictable. If they make me nervous, but they're predictable in their actions and speech, I am still usually okay. However, if they're frightening AND unpredictable, then there's no going back.

It's a fault I will admit to. I don't like that I will be so quick to make assumptions, but it comes with the gig of being someone like myself. It's like, if you hit a dog enough times they'll jump every time you'll move. If you add the fact that I am deaf in one ear and thus cannot tell where things are coming from, and you get one jumpy human being. I just have some barriers to breach, that's all.


What inspired this rant was my mother. She's one of those people who doesn't QUITE understand how to use the social networks of the world and just likes to spam everyone's experience with pictures that she finds that she likes. They're always the pictures with the sayings on them, too.

But like I said, those who are so KEEN to hide what they're really like will be the loudest about what exactly they aren't like. The one that got me going this time said,

"Before you judge ME, make sure that you're PERFECT."

It hit home because it's the ultimate hypocrisy for her. I just don't understand. And her list of postings is full of them. This one is also confusing.

"It is sometimes disheartening and unfortunate when others think they have all the answers to life. Then attempt to impose and force their beliefs on others as if they're righteous. There is not 1 way to live, 1 way to health, 1 way to truth, light & joy! We are all on our own path and that path may not be for others. It doesn't make us wrong or right. It makes us who we are - a person made in the image of God. Its why we're all so very unique so appreciate & celebrate the uniqueness in ourselves"

This just baffles me. All over the place. So much mixed with what is said and what is done. I'll leave you to guess in what areas.

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