
Just when you think you can make it as an artist...

I do pretty well most of the time. Well, of course, I would like to do better, but all in good time. Get some momentum built up, you know?

So right now, I am standing on the very edge of my second ever BIG corporate project. We're talking every artist's dream job (not permanent job, just... freelance in-passing job). We're talking thousands of dollars. I got one of these oh, maybe 6 or 7 months ago that shelled out a few K, but of course that's long gone and I've been living off of normal commissions.

Now I'm on the brink of another one, and all they want to see are... my originals. Alright, good. But then, they also want certain originals to buy. And they're off in Florida because my mother thought she could market them better than me. Well, I've been continually bothering her to get them back for a YEAR now, and she hasn't done a thing.

And this buyer wants $1300 dollars worth of my drawings. They just want to look over them and make sure they all match in person the way they do on the web. Well of course they do, they match better, so the sale is pretty much for sure and let's face it, for someone living hand-to-mouth, $1300 is an unspeakable amount of good money. Plus they want personal commissions done. A lot of them. Lots and lots of funds for the artist.

If the artist's mother wouldn't be reaching into the artist's twenties and still throttling the life out of the artist.

And here I will now look up to the heavens and beg for some slack.

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