
When the schedules of others ruin you.

So here I've managed to score myself a big art deal, and I am eagerly awaiting the awesome moment when the manager gives me my first paycheck. But she was supposed to pay me last Thursday, and it is now Monday and she keeps blowing me off. Also, I've been getting e-mails from her asking me where her concept sketches are.

Oh, come on. I don't get paid, I don't work for you. Simple as that.When I get my money, you'll get your concepts.

I'm supposed to meet her in the next 5 hours... so that's hopeful, then I can actually go and purchase her supplies and get started. Stupid freaking thing is that I'm relying on this stupid deposit to pay my bills which are due by the end of this week. Rent has to be mailed all the way down to a city 6 hours away from me in the next couple of days, so I have to meet with her, run to a money store, buy a money order, and pray that there is, by SOME miracle, a freaking post office open past 8 o'clock at night.

If I can meet her on time, motor down to the one cash store in town I have an account at (in the sketchy area of town, so they don't rely on my non-existed employer for an account...), where I get my money order (assuming it doesn't take long) and book it two blocks down to the sketchy corner pharmacy post office, I can get everything in on time because I found an office open right until 8 o'clock.

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